Looking Towards Best Starts for Kids 2.0: A Message from Sheila & Marcy

To our community,

Last month, we shared that Best Starts for Kids reached the final important step in the legislative process and that we are now moving into the next phase of implementing the Best Starts for Kids Implementation Plan. As we prepare to launch our shared vision in early 2022, we are excited to share our funding opportunity website to provide an overview of staggered funding opportunities beginning in January of 2022. We intend to continually update this calendar with information as we share out funding opportunities.

Click here to view upcoming funding opportunities.

We encourage everyone to subscribe to both our blog and newsletter to receive a notification whenever we post a new funding opportunity. You can subscribe to this blog using the subscribe by email box on the top of the home page, and subscribe to our newsletter using the form on the bottom of our website, kingcounty.gov/beststarts.

As we enter into the holidays and look towards a new year, we want to share our deep gratitude and say thank YOU for your commitment to supporting happy, healthy, safe and thriving kids and families across King County.

Big L Love, 

Sheila and Marcy 
Best Starts Co-leads 

Join Best Starts for Kids on January 12 to learn more about some funding opportunities coming out in 2022! Stay tuned for sign up details and our event calendar as we continue to solidify event details.

If you have additional questions, please email best.starts@kingcounty.gov to connect.

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